Frequently asked questions.
How will my sessions take place?
We’ll meet via video conference for one hour on FaceTime, WhatsApp, Facebook or Zoom.
What can I expect in a session?
In the first session, after reviewing your intake form, Dr. Holman will ask you how she can help you reach your goals. She will ask for a brief history of your physical and emotional health concerns. From there, she will begin to read your energy and you’ll start the session with a technique called The BodyTalk System.
Will multiple sessions be required?
Dr. Holman allows the client’s body to completely dictate if more sessions are needed for that particular health concern. If multiple sessions are necessary, it will be to reevaluate the client’s goals and reassess nutritional needs. The body takes time to balance, so in many cases, more than one session is required.
Once I complete a session, what happens next?
In most cases, the client is left with a sense of well-being, balance and peacefulness. The client might become very aware of the emotional energy released, which generally lasts from 24 - 48 hours. Many times, the client will sleep well at night, experiencing dreams which are helping the body to process out any lingering energy blocks.
Do I have to know when my emotional trauma occurred in order to have a successful session?
No, Dr. Holman uses a technique called The BodyTalk System which is a roadmap to asking the client’s body what emotion is blocked, when it occurred and where the blockage is.
How do I know that I am clearing energy blocks?
Many clients have described feelings of well-being. They feel they are no longer bothered by the situation that caused the heightened emotion. At times, clients will notice that physical symptoms lessen or fully disappear.
Why do I have physical pain and symptoms when the doctor says there’s nothing wrong with me?
Signs and symptoms will start at an energetic level, Diagnostic procedures come from imaging or lab studies, which are cellular in nature. The allopathic doctor is not trained beyond these tests, and therefore, assumes that there is nothing wrong with you.
Can I do this if I am doing regular sessions with my psychologist?
Yes, they work in conjunction. Talk therapy helps us process what we are going through. Dr. Holman speeds up the healing process by shifting the energy. By shifting the energy, you are able to move into a new aspect of your talk therapy.
How long will it take before I notice a difference after a session?
Most clients notice a difference after the first session.
Can my child do this?
Yes, energy shifting works on everyone, at all ages. In many cases, if the situation is of a delicate matter, the client does not have to be conscious of what happened in order for it to shift.
How can my energy be shifted in a remote session over the phone?
Dr. Holman uses her intuitive gifts to find the energy blocks. Then, she will guide you in the use of intentional breathing, tapping, and image work to shift the energy.